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Parent Council

With Gratitude

I’m sitting down to write this little note, a day after the school’s 2022 Winter Concert. For this post, I am not writing from the perspective of a member of School Council, but simply as a parent.

For the last couple of weeks, I have listened and witnessed to my daughter singing and dancing the songs that she would perform at this concert. Everyday, she was thrilled to talk about her music class led by our wonderful teacher Ms Andrea Bohan. While sitting in the audience last night, I again witnessed my daughter and her peers dance and sing the night away. My heart was filled with what I can only describe as LOVE.

Now the love that I felt wasn’t solely centered around witnessing my daughter have quite literally the time of her life (although that was a very large part, as it is for most parents/family members/caregivers), but it was from the whole experience. It was sitting amongst other families as a school COMMUNITY, coming together to support our beautiful children and feel so proud of the people that they are. It was also reflecting on the amount of time and effort it would have taken to put on not one, but two shows last night. Staging productions like this is no small feat, and I was feeling so thankful towards Ms Bohan and all of the teachers that helped to pull this all together. What a tremendous effort from everyone we call TEACHER, thank you for caring for our little Arctic Critters.

Continuing after the show was the After Party in our gorgeous courtyard. A huge thank you to our School Council member Sandra, for coordinating this celebration. It was so lovely to have everyone GATHER by the fire pits with cookies and hot chocolate in hand, with the glow of lights in the background. I cannot forget to thank all of the volunteers that helped Sandra create such a wonderful evening. Our parent community really came together through supplying lights, fire pits, and importantly their gift of TIME, for the enjoyment of others. Thank you parents, for taking time away from your families to help create such a magical experience.

Guillaume and Dawn, thank you so very much for your continuous and unwavering support for this school. We the parents notice and appreciate all that you do, day in and day out. Mr Sean and Ms Vivian, our facilities and maintenance crew, thank you for everything (and sorry for the mess last night).

I apologize if I have missed people in my note of appreciation.

Katie McC

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